Holiday Inn Resorts Nusa Dua
Holiday Inn Resorts Nusa Dua
Holiday Inn Resorts Nusa Dua
Holiday Inn Resorts Nusa Dua


Holiday Inn Resort® Bali Nusa Dua offers stunning settings with its beachfront location, poolside garden and stunning Nudi upper lounge for a perfect Bali wedding destination.
Whether it’s a combination of personal memories or aspirations of tropical Balinese flavors, tell us what matters the most to you. Our team of wedding planners will advise and dedicate themselves to you to bringing together all that you need to complete your wedding dream and create a unique and unforgettable experience.


Holiday Inn Resort Nusa Dua
Holiday Inn Resort Nusa Dua


Samaya is a set of vows or precepts as part of the ceremony that creates a bond. Samaya can symbolize inner peace, especially with its connection to the God.

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Vivaha meaning to create a sacred bond or Marriage. It is the most important rite of passage and an important sacrament Hinduism consecrated with vedic chants and ritual. In Bali it’s commonly known as “Pawiwahan”.

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Holiday Inn Resort Nusa Dua
Holiday Inn Resort Nusa Dua
Holiday Inn Resort Nusa Dua
Holiday Inn Resort Nusa Dua


Grahasta meanings as “Householder”, a second stage of the life of adult according to Hinduism. Transition of this stage of life is marked with an elaborate and ceremonial ritual of marriage.

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Smara is the name of God of love. In Hinduism story, God Smara fires his flower arrow into the heart of the meditating Siwa. Whose aim is not only to wake Siwa but also to inspire him to fulfil his marital obligations with his wife Uma and thereby consecrate their marriage.

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Holiday Inn Resort Nusa Dua
Holiday Inn Resort Nusa Dua